
Shri. B. G. Jadhav
Executive President MM

Message From Executive President


Our country has made tremendous progress in the field of education and more so in the professional education in the past few decades. As an institution involved in the afore mentioned sector, we have been able to make our humble contribution to this noble task of nation building.

The journey of Marathwada Mitramandal (MM) so far has been challenging and fascinating. This facilitating growth and success have been possible due to our immense emphasis on student centric approach and a strong team of dedicated and competent teachers and staff. The management encourages thorough professionalism and transparency. We are indebted to our students, parents and stakeholders whose endorsement has contributed to the meteoric rise of the college.

With the changing times, Marathwada Mitramandal has put in extra emphasis on upgrading the knowledge and technical infrastructure to make available every opportunity to students in exploring their potentials. Special attention is laid on inculcating the entrepreneurial skills through our dedicated Centre for Invention, Innovation, and Incubation (CIII). We are committed to create a robust institutional architecture to support the vision of NEP-2020. It would be our endeavor to ensure that all our stakeholders experience quality and excellence at every stage of their association with the institute. More importantly, MM has taken special efforts on inculcating life skills by sensitizing students towards society and environment and life at large in pursuit of holistic education. We will continue to embark on this journey of imbibing holistic education relentlessly in our pursuit towards quality education. I look forward to welcoming you to our MM family.